YouCompleteMe + vim-lsp + intelephense = Omnifunc returned bad value to YCM! b'Keyboard interrupt...
Any ideas how to fix this problem?
With intelephense-server all works fine but only cache not…
Here's something I've always taken for granted but started wondering about recently: While omnicompletion looks for substrings, the corresponding source for autocomplete plugins such as deoplete or nc…
neovim-completion-manager got replaced by ncm2. Some calls to register custom completions have changed with this. I am still struggling to get vimtex completion working here. Some documentation would …
I have a language server running and the bufword source. Somehow, despite both sources being able to provide the same words for completion, the matching seems to behave differently on them:
@roxma Hi! It looks like currently the plugin lists only panes in the current session (client). I usually have multiple sessions with multiple windows (and usually one pane per window), so I'm missing…
Switching over from deoplete to ncm2, I ran into the following issue: The setup is as in #22, where the `complete_pattern` is sourced from a variable provided by the filetype plugin. But ncm2 only reg…
1. Why don't we put `autocmd BufEnter * call ncm2#enable_for_buffer()` to the plugin itself?
2. In my machine (macbook pro 10.13.5, nvim 0.3, python2.7.15 and python3.7), you need to `set completeopt…
I hit `for`, with the configuration from readme.
![2018-07-04 17 54 54](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19645990/42297311-78cba44a-7fb3-11e8-82b4-4641e7de1a1b.gif)
As per https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2/issues/21
However, pure fuzzy match may not be a good idea.
Here's a proposal:
For candidate like `HelloWorld`, split it into `Hello` and `World`,
We on…
roxma updated
6 years ago
**Describe the bug**
I'm using ccls for LSP C++ server and it's working reasonably well with coc (though ncm2 + LanguageClient-neovim is still faster on refreshing results, and providing better ones)…