I'm having a little bit of paredit trouble in nrepl 0.1.5. In my .emacs I have this line
`(add-hook 'nrepl-mode-hook 'paredit-mode)`
and paredit, in general works correctly in the REPL buffer. par…
Kappa :)
This is a tremendous productivity booster, which is very sorely missed on Hackage!
i'd like to suggest adding a checkbox instead of the dot directly on the List action. It's very common to have a boolean flag such as "active" for records where you can enable/disable records. At…
As of recently, windows seem to raise on click, even though org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences.raise-on-click is set to false in dconf.
Being generally very pleased with Cinnamon, I shall try to app…
I created this simple scenario
``` javascript
import React from 'react';
export default React.createClass({
render: function() {
return Hello {this.props.name};
V sobotu 23. 5. 2015 se bude konat [mezinárodní den NodeSchool](http://nodeschool.io/international-day/), květnová NodeSchool proto bude netradičně na celý den.
Rád bych přitáhl větší počet účastníků…
> Show HN: aufond.me — a résumé for the modern age [Meteor.js MVP]
Hi there, guy who made this here. There's a disclaimer at the bottom of the landing page for general context, but here is the techni…
drunken coding is a productivity booster and should not be prevented.
emre updated
11 years ago
This productivity booster stopped working today after I updated to today's Nightly. Can I get my moneys back?