Any plan for rtl support for rtl cultures like Arabic,Hebr...?
RTL (full rtl) support could be an option in general settings.is there any solution for that?
_Migrated from the original issue at https://www.assembla.com/spaces/tracks-tickets/tickets/980_
This is about right to left language support. Hebrew, Arabic and Persian languages and some others nee…
dnrce updated
8 years ago
_From @WiesnerPeti on February 7, 2017 8:18_
Hi guys,
I tried to google this, also searched the FAQ section, but I could not find the answer for the question above. In the FAQ it is clearly stated…
I want to make sure everyone can use Postleaf, so RTL language support is imperative.
I'd prefer to only have one default theme and a way to enable RTL. Perhaps by adding a special class on the `` …
Thanks for the source code
How we can help support this to make it RTL and readable for Arabic in Multi language?
Please add rtl (text from right to left) support. I've tested with the email mask and it just breaks a field.
### Discussed in https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-kanban/discussions/227
Originally posted by **eledah** July 7, 2021
A simple checkbox that gives an RTL (Right to Left) property to the w…
Does this library support rtl books?