[The test](https://github.com/mausch/SolrNet/blob/master/StructureMap.SolrNetIntegration.Tests/StructureMapMultiCoreFixture.cs#L44) which checks for multi-core support does not return an error. But if…
In SolrPostConnection it should be able to set ConnectionTimeout.
While working on an issue with Unity I discovered that there was no easy way to set the timeout for the SolrConnection at initial registration, might be worth extending the signature (depending on imp…
Hi I am trying to get ride of some warnings.
I have this code that is using QueryOptions.Start instead of QueryOptions.StartOrCursor
How do I rewrite the code to use QueryOptions.StartOrCursor.
When attempting to install 0.8.1 using NuGet, I receive the following error:
`Unable to resolve dependencies. 'SolrNet.Core 0.7.1' is not compatible with 'SolrNet 0.8.1 constraint: SolrNet.Core (= …
Firstly, thanks! This is a really cool project.
Is there a way to change the default field from `id` to a custom value? My core doesn't use `id` as a field name, but i would like to use .Query().
At this point there is a (slight) mess in internal interfaces :
ISolrOperations, ISolrBasicOperations both are derived from ISolrReadOnlyOperation which is derived from ISolrBasicReadOnlyOperations
This has been replaced by IConfiguration in newer versions of asp net. In fact, Azure Functions do not even remotely support ConfigurationManager. Having this as part of your library prevents users fr…
facet.date.* Parameters Removed
The facet.date parameter (and associated facet.date.* parameters) that were deprec…
I tried to query my solr instance. But I alway get an exception in solrnet that says: "Data at the root level is invalid"
Here is my code:
` Startup.Init(Of TestDok)("http://localhost:8983/solr/…