Trying to write a simple sketch to attach a button to PA1, go to sleep after 10 seconds and then wait for button to be pressed to wake up again ...
I cannot get it to work.
I think this issue has been opened before but I'm not sure. All I know is that it's probably an issue with the F() macro but I don't know how to solve this problem. Using the Mifare RFID (MFRC522) lib…
They currently use PROGMEM and the pgm_read_byte() call - because of the unified memory architecture of the tinyAVR 0-series and 1-series parts, this can be changed without loss of functionality to si…
I'm working on a 3rd part Arduino core where the goal is to add proper support for the entire megaAVR-0 series (ATmega3208/4808, ATmega3209/4809) and hopefully a handful of new tinyAVRs in the …
The micronucleus bootloader is bundled with a command line utility. Although this command has backwards compatibility to allow the command to work with older bootloaders, it doesn't have forwards com…
The menu is already getting kinda long, the entries are almost identical, and the DD series is still on the way.... I'm pretty sure it can be shrunk waaaay down.... (and no, I didn't add all those ent…
Hi Spence
Can you add the option to use a crystal instead of the internal RC oscillator?
`attachInterrupt` is pretty memory hungry for what it is. [voidFuncPtr](https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-megaavr/blob/b367b6717b98ec216fc8d7356762e5b615929ece/cores/arduino/WInterrupts.c#L35) al…
I have various issues with attachInterrupt(). Given the simple example of setting a pinchange interrupt on PB1
void fISR() {
void setup() {
From the ATtiny datasheets, I've noticed it says
**_When writing the fuses write all reserved bits to ‘1’_**
I've only been working with fuse 5, but have noticed that reserve bits are read as 0.…