Could you share your code/setup for edge/mask extraction?
I simply obtained similar results using opencv canny edge detection and contours filling, but wanted to be sure to match your setup as clos…
Hello, is it possible to have the code that you used to generate the pose keypoints? I try to generate the keypoints of some image of the cp-vton+ with the code on this github repository: https://gith…
* VITON-HD: High-Resolution Virtual Try-On via Misalignment-Aware Normalization. CVPR 2021
* Disentangled Cycle Consistency for Highly-realistic Virtual Try-On. CVPR 2021
* CIT: Cloth Interactive Tr…
Hi! That is a brilliant work!
I wonder the detail rule on FID evalutaion since there cannot find the GT img of the tryon output from test_pairs.txt. Therefore, it is confused to me that calculatio…
Hi, first of all, great work!
Second, can you please provide supplementary materials as well as access to VITON-HD dataset
Hi~ I'm trying to reproduce your work on our dataset, so I'd appreciate it if you could tell me the quantity and format of your training dataset, Thank you~
When running the train only see the pytorch warning log about the input image size? I also use VITON Dataset.
Is this the problem that causes the output quality error as shown below:
Thank you for your work, but there is no information about how to test with custom data.
![Screenshot from 2021-07-01 18-47-48](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31795364/124131101-18756700-da9d-11eb-8eb1-27a565b3c2cd.png)