Hi Benjamin,
I need your help, if possible. The current maintainer of splitpatch, @jaalto [1], does not provide the "Issues" option in GitHub. It makes impossible to file bugs. Can you apply the la…
**Käsitteen tyyppi**
**Ehdotettu termi suomeksi**
**Ehdotettu termi ruotsiksi**
**Ehdotettu termi englanniksi**
**Tarkoitusta täsmentävä selite**
**Perustelut ehdo…
### Problem
The white-on-blue project title has contrast of 4.2:1, which is less than the 4.5:1 recommended minimum.
### Reproducible Project
I currently use `| ` as a separator (There is a space right after the `|` character) instead of the usual four spaces. As of now, it highlights everything in one single color.
Unless I misunderstood …
I'm contributing to the Apache Camel project where we use woodstox as the preferred Stax implementation. In particular we rely on XMLStreamReader.getLocation().getCharacterOffset() and the fac…
# Description
If a multilingual course has an exercise or other item that has different
identifier (key) in different language versions, A+ RST Tools produces a
compile error which does not help …
Juha says that chapter links behave differently in Windows and Linux. He uses Roman to compile the course materials, but Roman shouldn't affect this at all and the problem stems from a-plus-rst-tools.…
I'm doing this on the git.git repository.
$ git log >/tmp/log
$ git log | e-sink.pl # save the buffer as /tmp/log.2
$ git diff /tmp/log /tmp/log.2
diff --git a/tmp/log b/tmp/log.2
index 52b4…
Dear Friends,
Recently I wrote an article about riot see https://itsfoss.com/riot-desktop/ and https://itsfoss.com/riot-desktop/#comments
While I was away a colleague shared the licenses under…
Explore how the graphical representation of a JSAV exercise could be
represented as a step-by-step SVG images in JAAL.
Requirements: 56, 57 (see doc/requirements.ods)
The problem is that JSAV p…