to foster community involvement - some richer sample code beyond MNIST should be tackled.
Generative Adversarial Networks is a hot topic amongst ML - and some sample code using swift should help enco…
Excuse me, I can't understand why you used four types of computational models. CNN was enough to be used in these experiments and the results also demonstrated that CNN was more effective than others.
##### System information
- OpenCV => 3.3.1
- Operating System / Platform => Windows 10 64 Bit
- Compiler => Visual Studio 2017 15.4.5
--> MATLAB R2017b
--> CMake 3.10.1
##### Detailed descri…
Please fill-in the form below to help others understand your problem
## Expected behavior: OpenCV and Dlib compiled to use CUDA, shouldn't GPU be used during extract/align process?
*Describe, …
Fchollet and contributors -- Thank you so much for what you have put together. Keras has significantly helped me.
Recently, Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Networks have been of deep i…
Hi @experiencor ,
I've a question regarding the pretrained weights loaded in the backend.
The one layer doing the classification is randomly initialized and during training the magnitude of modif…
python faceswap.py extract -i D:\Face\faceswap-master\Coub\Photos
run on CPU this is normal?
## Expected Behavior
Print a warning "CUDA is not found" in **runtime**.
Provide a python API like `dlib.is_cuda_available() -> bool`
## Current Behavior
Cuda releated functions (`cnn_face_de…
# Merge
~~embedded_ai/2017-08-07.md at bi-weekly-2017-08-07 · PerfXLab/embedded_ai
# Comp…
我最近在做百度的狗狗分类比赛,感觉斯坦福的这个数据存在启发性。于是想在github上看看有没有人做过类似的工作。我目前用fine tuning的Resnet50,acc在77%左右。不知道老哥你在这个数据集上有没有做尝试?