Someone just reported that they couldn't get [Tenancy for Laravel](https://tenancyforlaravel.com/docs/v3/quickstart/) working with Backpack. Which is weird... I heard some people had it working in the…
Microservice to handle categories
Code can be found in here - https://github.com/JBN-Infotech/eshop/tree/main/eshop-categories
- API-only app to manage CRUD for `categories`
- `rvm use …
- [x] Should have 7 MVPs.
- [x] 3 of those are User Auth, Heroku, and Production README.
- [ ] The other 4 are from the [Approved Apps List](https://github.com/appacademy/cohort-resources/blob/…
Add connector and synchronisation with mongo DB.
User has to add service user in his mongo instance then via security create connection string that can be added to app.
Then after CRUD operation shoul…
Ubuntu-20.04 and Centos-8.
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.5.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.5.0
Must be:
_[Migrated from Assembla ticket [285](https://www.assembla.com/spaces/typesafe-slick/tickets/285) - reported by @cvogt on 2013-07-11 17:29:25]_
People seem to find it tedious to implement or complex …
Following pseudo-routes shall be implemented:
* CRUD commodity
* Make commodity featured
* CRUD categories
* Assign categories to commodities
So I'm getting this error trying to build app:
✗ npm run build
> @smart-oil/booster-api@0.0.0 prebuild /Users/arikon/projects/smart-oil/smart-oil-monorepo/packages/booster-api
> rimraf dis…