It just occurred to me - normally when I save parameters - such as the state of an output - to SD - I only do it if the value has changed. But I use the SDK... Are you doing this - the reason I ask -…
Your work here is great. Thank you so much.
Last month I built a wishlist of things I was going to add to the project:
1) wifimanager
2) more status commands
3) telemetry messages
4) compatib…
I am newbe.
My question is : how send change state to sonoff from domoticz ( domoticz --->>> sonoff )
From sonoff to domoticz ( sonoff --->>> domoticz ) is ok, becouse state in domoticz is c…
Theo, great project tx. Have tried it on a a sonoff and a generic homebrew module.
I notice from the pics of your Wifi wkaku hack that the PSU has the 3.3v pin soldered. I also use similar modules an…
Please add to sonoff.ino:
#include // MQTT
#error "MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE is less than 400. Edit PubSubClient.h"
Reaching out to you about adding motion and vibration sensors with monitoring and alerts.
Hi all,
i've a Souliss node on esp-07 that work for some seconds and then reset with :
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,6)
What is the reason ? what's the meaning of this code ?
I will try to binary search a little later if someone doesn't beat me to an explanation, but up until I updated my esptool about 3 weeks ago, I could easily burn at 460,800 with my pl2303. Now, I can…
Hi. HTTP OTA is not working to me. If I enable debug I see the following in Serial output:
[httpUpdate] Header read fin.
[httpUpdate] Server header:
[httpUpdate] - code: 200
will be nice posibility "remote upgrade firmware via wifi or from cloud..."
of course - from nodemcu.previous to nodemcu.next... :-)