Maybe `RecordBatchReader` should represent data that is meant to be a record batch for each item in the iterator, and something like `ArrayReader` should represent an arbitrary array stream?
We found it to be offset to the northwest of its true position on map.
## Context
Testing the new GeoArrow export capabilities from GeoPandas with lonboard, I ran into an issue when a reprojection happens
## Resulting behaviour, error message or logs
# Jupyter notebook alternative idea as a tool for RAs/consumers to use to explore Cliopatria quickly
- Load the Clioaptria and GADM files directly, use GeoPandas (perhaps 1.0) etc to be super fast
Since #1 was opened, the https://github.com/geoarrow/geoarrow repo has seen quite a lot of exciting activity...we're getting close to releasing our initial version! We have had a lot of great anecdota…
## Context
I have a GeoParquet file with geometries of mixed type (points, linestrings, polygons, multipolygons). I'd like to have it visualized at once, just like calling `explore` on a GeoDataFrame…
How should a STAC Collection containing many geospatial rasters that span many CRSs map to GeoZarr?
For example if I have Sentinel-2 or Landsat data spanning UTM zones, I don't want to have to repr…
Is this the best way to get a pyarrow table from a GeoTable (without pandas, of course)?
where `coun…
Dear geoarrow and arrow experts, I am trying to understand the memory usage and layout of a geoarrow object, e.g. a `MixedGeometryArray` object especially when passing its memory block between differe…