我的问题是关于分类模型(classification model / framework)的,有时候可以对同一样本提取多种不同特征,一般来说,我们都假设特征之间是统计独立的,然后利用这些特征去做分类。
Hello, I have been trying to compile MARY, according to the instructions on this readme https://github.com/marc1s/marytts#readme I have already tried many different releases, and even some different b…
We sat down with J. Paul Morrison yesterday to discuss NoFlo, and one thing that came out of that was a clarification between the roles of the two different port types:
- Regular ports should allow mu…
**[Keith Garry Boyce](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=garpinc)** opened **[SPR-1420](https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-1420?redirect=false)** and commented
I implemented this for …