bc.. $ SYMPY_USE_CACHE=no py.test sympy/
# ============================= test process starts
executable: /usr/bin/python (2.5.2-final-0)
using py lib: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/py
bc.. consider this:
kirr@evo:~/src/sympy/sympy-official$ hg up sympy-0.5.14
5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
kirr@evo:~/src/sympy/sympy-official$ ./setup.py clean
sage: sympy.test()
============================= test process starts
Added functionality to simplify so that a minus 1 is factored out of
the numerator and denominator of fractions if possible. Several
changes also had to be made to the results of
bc.. >>>e,f,h=symbols('efh',commutative=False)
> > > (e_f).subs(e_f,f_e+h)
> > > h + f_e
> > > (e_f_e_f).subs(e_f,f_e+h)
> > > e_f_e_f
I tried to check the help(Symbol) and I couldn't find anything …
When the sign of terms under a radical cannot be determined, these terms
should not be removed from under a radical ( Issue 1558 ). This is happening
right now:
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y