Hi dair-ai, thanks for recommending papers to us, and all the organization of papers!
I'm wondering if you would be interested in our [survey paper on logical reasoning](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.…
## Move a project to coq-community ##
**Project name:** RelationExtraction
**Initial author(s):** Catherine Dubois, David Delahaye, and Pierre-Nicolas Tollitte
**Current URLs:** https://githu…
I am building a large fixpoint, that contains nested `switch` statements. For some reason the code below fails with the following
> "Inductive argument of recursive call must be switch clause patte…
necto updated
8 years ago
I am writing a Coq project using AAC_tactics.
In my project, I use notation for some functions, and it breaks the `aac_rewrite` tactic.
To explain my problem, here is a simplified example:
### Prerequisites
* [X] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following:
* Checked that your issue isn't already [filed](https://github.com/leanprover-communit…
On Equations 1.2, Coq 8.10.0, the following code has a puzzling behaviour. Derive Subterm fail to solve all obligations when the indexed family has one constructor, but it works when the constructor i…
`Derive NoConfusion` seems to fail for inductives with
1. at least one parameter
2. at least one index
3. recursive occurrence of the type with a different parameter
For example, see this meanin…
I have some troubles to deactivate the positivity checking. When I do:
From TypingFlags Require Import Loader.
Unset Guard Checking.
Inductive foo : Type :=
| bar : (foo -> unit…
您好,最近拜读了你们的文章,想在别的数据集上复现一下。然后我对inductive learning这部分比较感兴趣,看你们文章中意思是包含了所有train split里面没有按few shot learning标记上的数据。但是在看代码的时候,没有找到是在哪里切换supervised learning和inductive learning,所以想在这里问一下,谢谢了!
Power supply diagram:
![koruza_computer_module_power 1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8199477/22118853/a379c44c-de79-11e6-8061-7e8b6eb7c431.png)
5V and 9V power supply are separated b…