The job scheduler maven publication is missing javadoc and sources jars. These are required to publish to maven central.
The pom.xml is also missing developers, licences, and scm information.
` $ bin/grav scheduler -j`
│ Job ID │ Command …
Do ssh presetu přibydou nové políčka:
- pamatovat si heslo [checkbox]
- kopírovat heslo na remote [checkbox] - půjde jen když předcházející bude zaškrtnuto
- remote dir [editbox se jménem podadresáře …
Nad listem přibyde možnost filtrace podle projektu.
Pro projekt stačí možnost vybrat projekt nebo all a pro stav vybrat stav, nedokončené, all. Ale pokud uděláš zaškrtávátka, bude to lepší.
I am randomly getting the following error (maybe 1/10 jobs), and I do not know how to debug. Generally just submitting the exact same command works
The command is:
sky launch -n job122 --down -…
According to docs:
Missed Jobs Periodical Handler
Recommended especially when you don't use Sidekiq Pro's super_fetch. If you dequeue job from Redis and the process is killed (by OOM, for examp…
TDX: https://github.com/kata-containers/kata-containers/actions/runs/10822428760/job/30026584792?pr=10296
024-09-12T02:09:52.5078249Z # Events:
2024-09-12T02:09:52.5078526Z # Type Reaso…
Using qrtz version 2.3.2, with postgres.
This occurs when a job & trigger exists, and a call is made to `scheduler.scheduleJob(job, Set.of(newTrigger), true)` where `newTrigger` has a different ty…
I was trying and created multiple tasks and couldn't stop them.
I want to stop all of them. Is there a way to do this?
Thank you very much for your time
Tried these:
1) https://gi…
The current client is designed for local execution, however, there is a solid case for making it interact with a remote server.
This would likely be implemented like this...
client = …