So my bot EmptikVariantsBot was just playing a game that went completely normally (I was sleeping and woke up rn) and now I see it's not played a game for the last 14 hours. The command prompt is stil…
/game/export/{gameId} and similar endpoints omit 3 last moves of ongoing games for some reason. That is very unexpected and is left unexplained.
I'd really like
1. An explanation why are the moves o…
I tried to run lichess bot using python 3.11 but I got an error like the below one.
(venv) C:\Users\pererach\Downloads\lichess-bot-master\lichess-bot-master>python3 lichess-bot.py
Traceback (most …
In several recent bot games, the final `gameState` event had a `'status': 'started'` even though the game had ended in a threefold repetition. The `status` of these messages should have been `draw`.
it worked on chess.com and all chess boards but i cant make it work at this board
In an [issue reported to lichess-bot](https://github.com/lichess-bot-devs/lichess-bot/issues/676), it was discovered that a challenge that was cancelled could still result in a game.
Here's a timel…
I am not clear if this is a lichess-bot issue or a server issue but I am seeing a number of losses on time that do not seem to be due to the engine's time management. I am running in Xboard mode and h…
I recently got Heroku and tried to install this lichess bot on it to run 24/7 but when I run it, it says this. (with verbose logging)
I used these exact files on my mac and it worked so, please help.…
I saw this in the log file - looks like a bug in code that handles server errors:
2023-02-02 06:38:53,770 __main__ ERROR Quitting lichess-bot due to an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):