In the [Functional sequences](http://docs.cneuromod.ca/en/latest/MRI.html#functional-sequences) section, the link to ["BIDS dataset"](https://git.unf-montreal.ca/neuromod/) goes to the dataset directl…
See https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/pull/7016 for a full discussion. Basically, the 32-bit integers cover dates from 1901 to 2038 relative to the starting date used of Jan 1, 1970. It seems to…
I have been running dcm2niix on hpc's serially, i.e. one job for every subject. I request 1 cpu per job, and have been using pigz for compression using the following command:
`dcm2niix -f %f…
:warning:**CAUTION:warning::** This is not a practical "request" or "proposal". Please read the conversation in PR #143 first.
I'm sure `Normed{
hello no work fix
After loading up my application using 9k, it prints following warning all over the place (and which breaks my application code, if I dont pass debug):
tracing (e.g. set_trace_func) will not capt…
Dear TractSeg Developers:
Thanks for the wonderful new tool.
May I know if TractSeg is suitable for DSI? If so, any tweaks are needed?
MinCW updated
5 years ago
The follow is from tensorflow/tensorflow#27510
> I am currently using HDF5 files (.h5 or .hdf5) to store my data, which is a data type frequently used in scientific research. (See #2089 for a simil…
In the [attached DICOM object](https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix/files/4160756/legacy_ct.dcm.zip), which is a [legacy converted enhanced CT](http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtm…
For historical reasons, AFNI natively supports the datatype signed SHORT (INT16, -32768..32767) and FLOAT (SINGLE32). This matches original 12-bit MRI ADC (0..4095) and the Analyze format datatypes. I…