**SDK you're using (please complete the following information):**
Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2 3.33.0
**Describe the bug**
### Describe the bug
In vs4mac with a Xamarin.Forms solution with 'Build with MSBuild on mono' enabled. netstandard2.1 projects fail to build with:
I am currently calling running NUnit tests in a .NET Standard 2.0 project using the nunit.engine.netstandard NuGet package.
After running the tests, I would like to generate the NUnit2 xml report …
I'm trying to make dotnet-svcutil.xmlserializer work, but it's failing with:
*Could not load file or assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'*
var resolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver();
var asm = resolver.Resolve(new AssemblyNameReference("netstandard", new Version("2.0")));
var module = asm.MainModule;
This code suc…
**Version Used**: C# 7.1 (.NET Core SDK v2.0.0)
**Steps to Reproduce**:
Given the following tree type:
public class Tree
public T Item { get; }
public IEnumerable Chil…
## Build Information
Build: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/cbb18261-c48f-4abb-8651-8cdcb5474649/_build/results?buildId=685548
Build error leg or test failing: WasmTestOnFirefox-MT-Microsoft.Ext…
## CSLA .NET 4.7
This version is in final testing, and I'd really appreciate your help making sure all the changes meet your needs. There's a prerelease in NuGet right now that you can use, and I'…
Both `prometheus-net` and `prometheus-net.AspNetCore` does not supplies
The source code hints it is contained in `prometheus-net.NetStandard`, but this nuget package does not exist in `README.md`. …
Libraries that target .NET Standard 1.x reference the NETStandard.Library package version 1.6.1. This package in turn depends version 4.3.0 of the System.Net.Http package, which has [serious issues](…