Hallo zusammen,
habe vcontrold nach der Anleitung https://openv.wikispaces.com/vcontrold+mit+Raspberry+Pi installiert und komme auch damit nun recht gut klar. Mittels viessmann-Adapter konnte ich die…
I programmed a webserver which returns the data point. Work in progress, but seems to work.
So if you call in your browser, it will return the heater ID.
Is there any possibility to make the code independent from hardware platform (ESP chip)? I am about to built system based on Arduinos as let me say protocol converters and RPi with Domotics as us…
### Installation specifics
* **Heating type:** Vitodens 300-W Typ WB3C with a Vitotronic 200
* **Protocol:** P300
* **Board:** ESP32 mit Adafruit Huzzah32 Feather auf dem Proto Feather Wing
* **H…
if that error was triggered once, e.g. by an read attempt to a wrong address, it does not recover from it. All consecutive read requests quit with error 3 without even attempting to send something.
### Installation specifics
* **Heating type:** Vitoladens 300 with Vitotronic 200 KW2
* **Protocol:** KW
* **Board:** ESP8266
* **Hardware:** TBD
### VitoWifi ESP8266 with Blynk
This th…
void setup() {
// setup VitoWifi using a global callback handler
VitoWifi.addDatapoint("outsidetemp", "boiler", 0x5525,STAT);
VitoWifi.addDatapoint("boilertemp", "boiler", 0xf802, STAT);…
i cannot find the runtime files to download as mentionaed in the readme.
Thus i tried to compile them, but there are errors shown for every file, e.g.:
ViessmannKW.java:[16,16] error: pac…
The _Wemos D1 Mini_ is a Sub-3 EUR [ESP8266](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP8266) device with integrated WLAN. It can be programmed in C++/Arduino: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
I wonder whe…
Hi! Ich habe das Problem, dass mein USB Port nicht erkannt wird..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jul 13 11:36 ViessmannOptolink -> ttyUSB2
auch /dev/ttyUSB2 bringt dieselbe Meldung.