Pen not working on SP7, Fedora 36.
Looking at quo's fork it seems the changes were merge into iptsd upstream, so I just installed the latest iptsd from surface-linux repo.
Do I still need…
## Bug Report
**Current Behavior**
Everything works fine on the amplify, the build command succeeds and as soon as crawling is finished. I get an error non zero exit code. The logs are not at al…
### Build/Submit details page URL
### Summary
Using package.json:
## The devDependency [lerna](https://github.com/lerna/lerna) was updated from `3.8.5` to `3.9.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/lukeburpee/feathers-service-manager/compare/master...luke…
Hi there, if you want to add your frontend projects and showcase, you can add them here and get accepted by hacktoberfest!
URLs look like `com.rsa.securid://ctkip?url=https://XXX.com:443/ctkip/services/CtkipService` and come with a 12 decimal digit activation code.
The protocol is documented in this RFC: https://tools.…
## The devDependency [lerna](https://github.com/lerna/lerna) was updated from `3.10.8` to `3.11.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/o-rango/o-rango-components/compare/master...o-rango:gre…
## The devDependency [lerna](https://github.com/lerna/lerna) was updated from `3.5.1` to `3.6.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/Leko/otesuki/compare/master...Leko:greenkeeper%2Flerna-3.…
I am building the distribution from source by command `mvn clean install`, but the error occur that show in picture below. Can anyone help me. What should i do now?
When using slime (in the context of the still static page generator), I get the following error message:
> dependency :neotoma is using Rebar 2, which is no longer maintained and no longer works in…