The movie mode shortcut no longer works for me. If I press Enter, the page size changes, but nothing appears and I have to force quit Splash.
Please help add `test do` test blocks to the formulae missing them. If you see something on the list that now _does_ have a test block, just comment below, and one of the maintainers will check the bo…
macOS Sierra 10.12.4
Changjuui-MacBook-Pro:~ changjurhee$ brew install caskformula/caskformula/inkscape
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> New Fo…
## On kadi
Note the cross-talk with legacy Ska perl `/proj/sot/ska/lib/perl/IO/All.pm`. That's funky.
ska3-kadi$ echo $PATH
With current master (567e8be98d027143ea04c97fed6f9cd3faa1c22f)
Seems like there is an issue with `PGPLOT_DIR`, as it cannot find `cpgplot.h`:
``` >> 145 /opt/spack/var/spack/stage/presto-2.1-kiu…
When accidentally giving the wrong parameter name, mcrun/mxrun normally yields an error message about unrecognized parameter. This is suppressed when running a scan, which is unhelpful.
I just wanted to flag this for you, in case it is tripping others up. I just got myself out of some weird dependency trap. My installation uses casa-python (which I test with `import casac`), but afte…
The current default is to display end caps on error bars.
I argue that …
Using rtplot on any existing hipercam data file on an Arch Linux system causes a segmentation fault (core dumped). No plot windows appear.
hipercam and trm-pgplot are git pull updated to version as…
Please help. I have done like 20 things and none work. rJava will not load. Which I need for xlsx. Which I need for ImportExport. Which I need to run an mdb file in R.
I tried installling new vers…