Author Name: **Stuart Sides** (@scsides)
The documentation for the ISIS classes do not build without errors or warnings. The standards require zero documentation build errors and the do…
_Issue [JP-1664](https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/JP-1664) was created on JIRA by [Jonathan Eisenhamer](https://jira.stsci.edu/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=eisenham):_
Support Build 7.6 integration. I…
Hi, I'm trying to create a MCMC SED fitting pipeline using Python-fsps and emcee. My code initializes a single instance of the stellar population object as shown in the tutorial.
At last week's DESC DM meeting, @johannct raised the question about whether we want to run forced photometry for DR6. We discussed skipping it entirely or possibly processing a subset of the data (whi…
Seems to apply only to branch gaia_phot_calib.
Stage 6 photometry output in function run_psf_photometry_on_difference_image appears to be producing zero measured flux for all stars at line 591.
Issue [JP-962](https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/JP-962) was created by Alicia Canipe:
h4. New: aperture correction reference files for imaging
* Separated out by mode to match the photom files
* FIT…
This was on the Trello, but it very well may have been finished already.
Issue [JP-1022](https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/JP-1022) was created by Alicia Canipe:
INS is requesting initial versions of imaging aperture correction datamodels to use to generate new aperture corre…
Issue [JP-1123](https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/JP-1123) was created by Beth Sargent:
As noted in JP-994, in pipeline Build 7.3, when using extract1d to extract the spectrum of a point source simulated…