Fehlendes Textelement (nur) in der deutschen Version von TB 4.
Zwischen Physik und Chemie fehlt ein «und».
### Bug Description
When I try to load a texture pack, I receive an error message in the top right corner stating that resources could not be loaded. This only happens with texture packs that are ove…
related to https://github.com/NNPDF/eko/issues/389
I suggest to act here instead of `eko` - specifically
This line:
Die Suchfunktion nach einem bestimmten Studiengang unter https://www.fau.de/education/studienangebot/alle-studiengaenge/ sowie https://meinstudium.fau.de/studiengaenge/ ist sehr schlecht. Kann man die…
In [`ef31068`](https://github.com/fsphys/status.fsphys.de/commit/ef31068a72634e2dfcf4f746dacbb7e99f339355
), FS - Website (https://fachschaft.physik.kit.edu) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response ti…
In [`0c366cb`](https://github.com/fsphys/status.fsphys.de/commit/0c366cb28f9ca1034ffd858073580bf0e88e9871
), FS - GitLab (https://fs.physik.kit.edu/gitlab/) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response tim…
In [`af74689`](https://github.com/fsphys/status.fsphys.de/commit/af74689bd94cc3a7980ac72bdd4c560d5c8bb79b
), FS - Mattermost (https://fsmm.physik.kit.edu/) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 404
- Response ti…
## Precommit CI Run information
Logs can be found in the associated Github Actions run: https://github.com/ewlu/gcc-precommit-ci/actions/runs/9898670422
## Patch information
Applied patches: 1 -> 1
## Precommit CI Run information
Logs can be found in the associated Github Actions run: https://github.com/ewlu/gcc-precommit-ci/actions/runs/9873692777
## Patch information
Applied patches: 1 -> 1