I'm working in a large git repo and every time I start a new prompt in Terminal.app or Vscode's integrat…
[ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Zsh log (/data/data/com.termux/f…
[I've added ](https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/issues/1095#issuecomment-723541436)
function prompt_my_alias() {
p10k segment -b blue -f yellow -e -t '${my_expanded_command//\%/%%…
[ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Zsh log (/tmp/gitstatus.POWERLEVEL9K.1000.158.1710087992.1.xtrace.log):
+(anon):7> setopt monitor
Hi! I have installed powerlevel10k with antibody and my terminal looked like this:
I ch…
After selecting sharp heads and tails in the wizard, the generated configuration is inconsistent with my selections:
1. The "Wizard options" comment at the beginning of the config file indicates th…
while kubecontext is enabled powerlevel take a lot to start
terraform_version is enabled and only 2 settings applied
`typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_VERSION_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='terraform|terragrunt|tfenv'`
with solo user install and multi user install for powerline fonts i have 10-symbols.conf in multiple folders and i am getting lost about wich is effective. Also when you say "replacing PragmataPro wit…
Gy0m updated
7 months ago
I’m installing power10k on ISH iPad Pro and it seems that has an issue when try to run power10k. Ohmyzsh has been working correctly for me so far, but I love Power10k.
Is this something t…