Get this problem when running smocks v3.2.1 with smocks-magellan-nightwatch v3.2.0.
Debug: internal, implementation, error
TypeError: Uncaught error: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined
Hello! Would you be able to provide any update on support for raising mock events? It's the only thing preventing me from being able to use this otherwise brilliant library at the moment.
After every round, I have to reselct the smock item, or I simply do not spawn with the smock. I'm not really sure why, but the game doesn't seem to remember it in the custom item list.
Currently, all mocks are lenient. It would be nice to also have mocks that
- are strict
- have other default return values (empty collection, dummy mock, etc.)
Syntax suggestions:
SMock(), Strict…
Currently, all mocks are lenient. It would be nice to also have mocks that
- are strict
- have other default return values (empty collection, dummy mock, etc.)
Syntax suggestions:
SMock(), Strict…
Look a title says it all!
It may only be for teshari smocks though and some other stuff like headtail cloths
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#71452](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=71452) (status was 'rejected')
Searchable as RT71452$
p5pRT updated
8 years ago
Rather than add path support to filters (making it overly complex) we should instead remove the path support from filters (introduced to support Smocks #364) which had a knock on affect and introduced…
Currently, all mocks are lenient. It would be nice to also have mocks that
- are strict
- have other default return values (empty collection, dummy mock, etc.)
Syntax suggestions:
SMock(), Strict…