Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^on-.+$/: Stack overflow
Do you have any reccomendations on how to implement collections that bubble up events from their items? If I have a Todos collection with a bunch of Todo objects pushed into it right now I'm just doin…
I'm talking of the link visible on: http://hay.github.com/stapes/
Excerpt from [the documentation](http://hay.github.com/stapes/#m-mixinEvents): "Note that these events are also triggered on the main Stapes object, so you can use Stapes.on to catch events from these…
I've come across some times where I'm pushing an array of objects, but some of these objects have already been added to my Stapes model. (eg: JSON response from server). This means create events…
Remove event handling is inconsistent with the other events. No key name is provided to the event handler for remove actions... making the idea of remove event handling unfortunately useless.
``` jav…
I love Stapes, but its submodule behaviour is really getting me down. I'm pretty sure this is a bug, and I'm pretty sure I know what's causing it.
Here's the test case
would be helpful
k33g updated
12 years ago