# Current versions of SC and Definitions
- [AA SC for viewing](https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/support-personalization_ISSUE-6/guidelines/sc/21/purpose-of-controls.html) | [AA SC for editing](https…
When running:
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey/household component - download all microdata.R
(With years set to 2013),
I get an error:
`> # create a big table containing the file number of each mep…
_From @dauwhe on June 27, 2017 14:33_
What information is required for an abstract manifest? [edited to add items from comments]
1. An identifier for the web publication, which should be a URL
[1] "currently importing ./2011 Police-Public Contact Survey/ICPSR_34276/DS0001/34276-0001-Data.txt"
[1] "warning: variable named sample not allowed in monetdb"
[1] "changing column name to sample_"
djalma, i made some changes to the main script to get started--
--but the `dom` table never gets used, and i belie…
I was wondering if there were any plans to port the US economic census into R? It is an important data source for some economists.
regarding [this SO post](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17306695/httr-get-function-running-out-of-space-when-downloading-a-large-file/17311486#17311486) on httr and [this SO post](http://stackover…
A reference like `RDF11-MT` in ReSpec currently doesn't work as the biblio DB uses `rdf11-mt` as index and the service at jitsu is case-sensitive. Consequently http://specref.jit.su/bibrefs?refs=RDF11…
Hi Anthony,
I've written [this Gist](https://gist.github.com/briatte/6114696) that contains pointers to bits and pieces of survey data online, and how to read them into R. There's also a short biblio…