Hi Konstantin
I have this super strange error when I build the web version of the Flutter app on Heroku, and I can't make sense of it. Just in case you immediately see what's wrong, it would be gre…
### Question
I'm trying to pass the widget metadata info to set on all files to be uploaded with the widget and I'm getting:
"Option "metadata" is expected to be an object. Instead got: string "…
### Describe the bug
Uploading a video file longer than 10 seconds always enters the “.failure" case - even though the file is successfully being uploaded to Uploadcare.
The error message is "un…
Is there a non-jQuery bundle for uploadcare/react-widget?
I'm using `"@uploadcare/react-widget": "^2.2.0"` and importing it like `import { Widget } from '@uploadcare/react-widget/en-min';`.
As a developer I want to pass metadata from React app to a file before upload. Basically I would like to add a few string values to metadata object.
Metadata is described in the api docs:
I noticed the tag for 9.2.0 is out there but the PyPI version is still stuck at 9.0.0.post1
Can we expect a new PyPI release?
Thanks for the development effort.
**Describe the bug**
I’m currently building a site with netlify cms and gatsby. I’m using gastby-plugin-netlify-cms@5.11.0 and netlify-cms-app@2.15.38.
However when I’m trying to register a pr…
### Question
I cannot upload after hosting with AWS Amplify but I can upload in local environment.
My environment is AWS Amplify, Next.js.
Currently it seems like we have one option for file storage (Uploadcare).
In order to stay in control of our own data it would be nice to be able to use an alternate (like Nextcloud) as a storage bac…
### Describe the bug
The docs for the swift library are very clear that to use the uploadAPI the secret is optional. This is consistent with the underlying API as I can do a cURL command with the s…