Users/plugins should be able to easily detect whether capslock is enabled. This can be done with a provider using these strategies:
- X11: `xset -q | grep Caps`
- Windows: http://stackoverflow.com/q…
pls could you add support for unit scopes http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Unit_Scope_Names
Vcl.Forms; // undeclared identifier
in delphi you can specify defa…
the function I'm trying to thunk is a WINAPI.
in x64, it compiles fine but in x86 the static_assert fails:
// ensure it's not a variadic function
This issue is to track my work in getting [PocoMan v4.0](https://www.sleepless.com/pocoman/) running. See more background in #39
My working branch is here: https://github.com/LinusU/retrowin32/tre…
sbol_utilities\conversion.py", line 237, in convert3to2
result = doc2.validate()
sbol2\document.py", line 831, in validate
response = validate(self, config.options)
sbol2\document.py", l…
Looking through analysis results would it please be possible to add in the following hooks in the IE hooks (https://github.com/cuckoosandbox/monitor/blob/master/sigs/iexplore.rst)?
- JsEval
- COl…
### GZDoom version
### Which game are you running with GZDoom?
Doom 2
### What Operating System are you using?
Windows 11
### Please describe your specific OS version
_No response_
Windows has [`ShellExecuteExA`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shellapi/nf-shellapi-shellexecuteexa) which takes a pointer to a [`SHELLEXECUTEINFOA`](https://learn.microsoft.com/e…
### Related problem
A known frustration with powershell (and windows UAC in general) is the lack of inline sudo, having to create another process in order to raise elevation level for that command.…
Хотелось получить следующую доработку для дымовых тестов и/или проверки поведения:
**Определять модальные окна и закрывать их по таймауту с отметкой падения тестов/фич**
+ сделать мониторинг мод…