### Describe the bug
Parsing existing cloudformation to a CDK construct. It contains APIGateways, Resources and Methods. The goal is to get their Integration information. The return type of CfnMethod…
I keep getting this error while trying to deploy.
Error ---------------------------------------------------
Error: Cannot find module 'serverless/lib/plugins/aws/package/compile/events/api-gat…
## New ACK Service Controller
Support for APIGateway
### List of API resources
List the API resources in order of importance to you:
1) RestApi
2) Integration
3) Resource
4) Stage
5) V…
## Description
We are using Amazon.Lambda.AspNetCoreServer 6.0.3 and normal ASP Net Controllers and responses.
The ActionResults for NoContent (HTTP 204) and Ok (HTTP 200) are correctly returning HT…
I am using pulumi version v3.13.2 with Typescript.
While trying to create a metric for an autoScalingGroup, I encountered a strange error.
The metric should count the amount of requests during the l…
### What happened?
Based on the image above, we attempted to remove both `authorizationType` and `authorizer…
[//]: # (Please do not include your AWS account or credentials as part of the bug request.)
**Describe the Bug**
[//]: # (Please describe the behavior that you are seeing with as many details …
I've done some testing, and it seems like one of the following 3 does what's needed, although this is difficult to absolutely confirm.
In the below, api is a SpecRestApi - https://docs.aws.amazon.com…
Current ApiGatewayToSageMakerEndpoint does not allow apiMethod to be configurable and creates an API with "GET" method by default. I have a use case where I want to "POST" images in body to Sagemaker …
Current type definition for createEvent is this:
declare const dictionary: {
"aws:apiGateway": import("aws-lambda").APIGatewayProxyEvent;
export default function createEven…