Would it be possible to upgrade the jetty-adapter to 1.7.1 and jetty-websocket dependencies to support 9.4.x?
The current dependencies have some vulnerabities:
jetty-util-9.2.24.v20180105.jar C…
I have been trying for some days now to follow the android-clojure tutorial over at:
"Android App Development with Clojure: An Inte…
Here is a minimum project.clj with co.paralleluniverse.pulsar.instrument.auto=all. lein repl or uberjar throw ClassFormatError. See long stack trace below.
(defproject pulsar-example "0.1.0-SN…
If lispy-mode is enabled in a Clojure 1.9.0 project (Cider/Leiningen), Company completion doesn’t work in the source coder buffer as well as in the REPL. The following error is shown:
Company: b…
I wanted to try out strokes for d3 visualizations in Clojurescript. I add [net.drib/strokes "0.5.1"] to my dependencies and [strokes :refer [d3]] to my project and I get the error: TypeError: mrhyde.m…
`Seesaw is compatible with both Clojure 1.4, but will probably work fine with 1.3 and 1.5. Maybe even 1.2.`
This looks ambiguous to me. How about Clojure 1.8 1.9 etc..
The `both` in the first sent…
Steps to reproduce:
``` bat
lein new app helloworld
cd helloworld
lein run
Hello, World!
lein trampoline run
Error: Could not find or load main class clojure.main
Output of lein classpath clearl…
Tested on:
macOS Catalina 10.15
elpa: 26.1
Cider version: 0.22.0 and 20191103.1528
flycheck-clojure version: 20190611.2351
flycheck version: 20191028.2247
Opening cider-jack-in wh…
I opened the project in Intellij IDEA with Cursive. How do I get started, running the examples and plyaing with this project?
Follow this tutorial? https://vimeo.com/103808402
Please add some Run in…
I can now pull cljs-msgpack-lite into project with new simple dependency and simply
(ns ...
(:require [cljs-msgpack-lite.core :as mpk]
[cljs-msgpack-lite.clj-codec :…