已知是 **Dagger** 报错, 可能 **Gradle** 引起的, 你们先各自描述讨论问题把, 后续参考描述解决问题
DaggerActivityComponent this class is missing in com.mindorks.example.android_dagger2_example.di.component package but still you used in
com.mindorks.example.android_dagger2_example.MainActivity cl…
**Glide Version**: 3.7.0
**Integration libraries**: OkHttp3 + Dagger2
**Device/Android Version**: Android Emulator + Asus zenfone 5
**Issue details / Repro steps / Use case backgro…
## 项目推荐
- 项目:[MVPArms](https://github.com/JessYanCoding/MVPArms)
- 项目描述:MVPArms是一个整合了大量主流开源项目的Android Mvp快速搭建框架,其中包含Dagger2,Retrofit,Rxjava以及RxLifecycle,RxCache等Rx系三方库,并且提供UI自适应方案,本框架将它们结合起来,并全部使用…
I'm trying to include the lib to my project, but I got this error:
Error:Module 'com.github.drawers:SpinnerDatePicker:0.0.4' depends on one or more Android Libraries but is a jar
and this is…
Similar to #298
I have a working Dagger setup using the @ContributesAndroidInjector annotation (https://google.github.io/dagger/android.html).
Component Application
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I understand that i did some kind of duplicate issue. But i really like requery and it can't work with dagger2 for me. I provide dependencis like that:
使用 开启 Dagger2 后apply plugin: 'com.neenbedankt.android-apt',ARouter无法跳转,
请问ARouter是否可以支持Dagger2 ?
I have a question related to new Dagger2 android components used in GithubBrowseSample. I'm slightly confused how can i inject current Activity context. In this sample, application is build using only…