When running this code:
from poliastro.examples import molniya
I get this error:
WARNING: AstropyDeprecationWarning: The private astropy._erfa module has been…
Will you provide QR-DQN code?
I'm trying to visualize Breakout and Pong using example_viz_lib and dqn agent. However, in both cases for all 5 checkpoints provided, the agent seems to be stuck in the corner and does not move. In an…
It seems that once you use the "minimal" config, during that "runtime session" you can't go back using the "full" config. Somehow the "minimal" settings seem to be "persisted" somewhere and/or are not…
Hello, I'm trying to run BERT-to-BERT pipeline.
After I execute this command:
`CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 PYTHONPATH=./:$PYTHONPATH python rationale_benchmark/models/pipeline/bert_pipeline.py --data…
I installed tensorflow 1.5 by pip install tensorflow=1.15.2.
Then after I run below two line, I get tf 2.3, and give me some error about incompatible.
git clone https://github.com/jgmakin/machine_l…
can not run the small_satrn model,
my cofig file only changed dataset path , and the tps_resnet_bilstm_attn model is ok.
my only modify is :
train_dataset_mj = [dict(type='FolderDataset', root='/h…
Following the code sample at https://demo.allennlp.org/textual-entailment, I stumbled across an issue (discussed in #4192 ), but has not been solved:
pip install allennlp==1.0.0 allennlp-m…
I encounter the following error when I run `train_generative_models.py` in the `NCBI-Disease/` folder on Google Colab.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train_generative_models.py", …
Hello, When I run the demo ' python -um batch_rl.fixed_replay.train \
--base_dir=/tmp/batch_rl \
--replay_dir=$DATA_DIR/Pong/1 \
--gin_files='batch_rl/fixed_replay/configs/dqn.gin' '
The t…