Training a model on the LAM train dataset prints evaluation inference results on the validation dataset like
mAP: 0.789340
TOP-1 Acc:92.725%
LAM 58.120 41.880
Hi Ego4d team,
Thanks for the dataset.
I'm trying to download videos with gaze annotations. Following the instructions in [official website](https://ego4d-data.org/docs/data/gaze/), I should dow…
Thanks for sharing your wonderful work. However, I'm wondering if there are some issues Object state change classification task's starter code since it's currently disappeared. Can you take a glance a…
What is the code's root directory (ego4d_av_diaraization) that is mentioned in the README as below? Is it necessary to move something to '~/.cache/torch/hub/'? Is there any workaround?
Then, unt…
if anyone has managed to get the narrations.json data into a structured format, please share how. Parsing from JSON is proving challenging
python convert_videos_to_clips.py \
--annot-paths data/vq_val.json data/vq_test_unannotated.json \
--save-root data/clips \
--ego4d-videos-root $EGO4D_VIDEOS_DIR \
--num-workers 10…
I have downloaded the annotations.
But for the "Hand-Objects", there are only 'fho_xx_train.json' and 'fho_xx_val.json'.
How can I get the test split?
For example, the point-of-no-return tempor…
Sorry, I didn't find the way or doc to download the test set for ego4d challenge.
Hi Ego4d team,
While I am downloading the dataset and have almost finished all of them, I suddenly encounter error `botocore.exceptions.EndpointConnectionError: Could not connect to the endpoint UR…
@Sid2697, Thank you for sharing the amazing work! I was running into a small issue while running the code. I was trying to run the i3d-resnet50/train.py and there seems to be an error at this l…