Currently, images saved to gallery are always encoded as PNG (at least on Android; haven't looked at iOS). Having the capability to save as JPEG would be great. Thanks!
I've put together a throbber JavaScript library and the associated PNG images
with full 8-bit transparency to accomplish throbber effects identical to those
seen in Apple's Settings.app (for exa…
### Summary (*)
In `Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Gallery\Processor::addImage()`, for some reason, there is no `label` parameter. The label is set to empty string `'label' => '',`.
### Pro…
Moved from https://yoast.atlassian.net/browse/IM-1909
Reporter: @manuelaugustin
### Description
We’ve encountered cased where people put very large base64-encoded data urls in their text (see at…
Distinct from #4, title images and title save images are stored in the XBE in `$$XTIMAGE` and `$$XSIMAGE` sections respectively as "XPR0" format images--which are simple ~~256x256~~ 128x128/64x64 DXT1…
I'm trying to convert a jpg file into a png and then encode the image into a png formatted data url.
$img = Image::make($feed->data[$i]->images->low_resolution->url);
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/content/encoder4editing/latents.pt'
where can I find this file?
Why do you always work with gamma encoded data? Is the performance difference that big?
For example line 182 in image-processing.js
`let plum = (pmax + pmin) / 2;`
should imo be
`let plum = pow(pow(p…
I love this application, but whenever I want to move my photos over it seemingly crashes when "auto importing".
** (io.elementary.photos:5455): WARNING **: 17:02:49.337: BatchImport.vala:1…
When using this link in a href: