After 2-3 days of running the outside temperature disappears from the Moduline 3000 thermostat display and the thermostat starts heating (weather-controlled program). This behavior …
Seriously, this project looks promising but 90% of people visiting your site will turn right back around and never come back. The logo and overall layout looks like it was designed by colorblind math …
Collecting info about ways to separate an app into several.
As a first step, models.py and views.py can be splitted into separate files. This can be an improvement to avoid merge problems, if diffe…
XaviP updated
7 years ago
ubuntu@ip-111-11-11-111:~$ sudo git clone https://github.com/jembi/openxds.git
Cloning into 'openxds'...
remote: Counting objects: 12911, done.
remote: Total 12911 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta …
There are a number of changes we could make to shorten the turnaround time of the test suite while increasing coverage. This issue documents some ideas.
I feel like our goal should be a sub-4-hour …
Olá a todos!
Parece que a última atualização feita por @thiagopena no djangoSIGE foi em 12/2019, a última atualização oficial do projeto foi em 04/2021, pelo @rg3915 , e o @asbmails2 fez o PR #129 …
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