i am creating facebook chat app.
1.i am creating first time any chat application
2.i can't u'stand what to do for error
3.SASL authentication failed using digest md 5 nad can't login with
i am creating facebook chat app.
1.i am creating first time any chat application
2.i can't u'stand what to do for error
3.SASL authentication failed using digest md 5 nad can't login with
i am creating facebook chat app.
1.i am creating first time any chat application
2.i can't u'stand what to do for error
3.SASL authentication failed using digest md 5 nad can't login with
Re-ticketed [from Gitter chat](https://gitter.im/pol-is/polisDeployment?at=5effe6367ba3965373e6f06a).
This is just a stub. Will flesh out later.
## Current Status
- currently, we allow login …
It seems Facebook recently introduced [video live stream](http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/1/12737738/facebook-messenger-instant-video ) capability in chat. That means, we should definitely switch to it…
Bug report template
=User information=
* OS (iOS / Android): Android
* Chai App Version: 0.4.67
* Login Type: Facebook
* Bot Name(Optional) All bots
* UserID orQH7zRR19g5l6z1IMcY9Hwj…
The place I most commonly use Privly is in the chat box of gchat or Facebook chat -- even though the applications I am sharing in the chat box were never explicitly designed to target this use case. W…
Visiting graphs.facebook.com/(username) no longer yields the conversation chat ID. How do I get this value?
i am creating facebook chat app.
1.i am creating first time any chat application
2.i can't u'stand what to do for error
3.SASL authentication failed using digest md 5 nad can't login with
i am creating facebook chat app.
1.i am creating first time any chat application
2.i can't u'stand what to do for error
3.SASL authentication failed using digest md 5 nad can't login with