Not really an issue for the client itself but we need to have a handful of cool demos when we go public
- xor
- hand writing recognition
- style transfer (aka photo to picasso) (this will blow pe…
HTTP code is 404 which indicates error: undefined - {"message":"manifest for floydhub/dl-docker:latest not found"}
Shouldn't `check_cli_version` be called only if `verbose` flag is supplied by the user?
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 import tensorflow as tf
`floyd run` starts a new instance every time. Is it possible to sync code without starting a new instance?
I keep getting the following error when running the installation command:
I have included a gist of the errror logs: [https://gist.github.com/AdamBCo/ee16fe5f5ba47aae7074925852ccf9d0](url)
Tried it twice, same result.
$ floyd data upload
Compressing data ...
Creating data source. Total upload size: 600.5MiB
Uploading compressed data ...
Traceback (most recent call last): 62968…
_floydcli_ currently syncs all the files recursively inside the project directory by default and the only way to prevent this behavior seems to be adding these files/directories into `.floydignore`. …
Theano 0.9 has been released. It would be great if you can upgrade the version in the docker image.
It might be easier for people to use a contained environment like dl-docker for quickly getting up and running. (would also reduce headaches trouble shooting different environments.)