I'm using Colab and not too sure what's causing this but I can't train my voice clone for some reason.
It was working two days ago and now this it just says this
F0_METHOD = "dio" #@param ["c…
since 3.10 my models train with a strong english accent, i first thought it was an over training problem, but when training from scratch the same issue happen
Great work!This code reproduce the effect of the original paper very well.It has lots of parameters, which make it hard to train with acoustic model.Can you give me some advices of how to reduce the p…
Great work, thanks.
Click to expand!
### Issue Type
### Have you reproduced the bug with TF nightly?
### Source
### Tensorflow Version
### Custom Code
### OS Platform and Distribut…
Hi, I'm trying to use AdaVocoder, but I'm getting the same error on both Windows and Ubuntu.
I've already installed the dependencies, but I'm getting the following error when I try to run the infer…
### News
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- [저커버그도 저격한 메타 ‘챗봇’의 도발…대략난감 AI](https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article…
In current implementation inference-time entire audio data proceesing at a time for recunstructing high quality signal.
Modified the processing logic & Observed performance degradation with proces…
I've already [posted](https://stackoverflow.com/posts/68320251/edit) this error in StackOverflow and in the [PyTorch forum](https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/error-when-exporting-torchscript-model-to-onnx…
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- CLOVA 스케쥴: https://naver-career.gitbook.io/en/teams/clova-cic/events/clova-and-ai-lab-icml-2022