The way Scope.hs behaves is fairly erratic. For example:
-- (correctly) suggests mapM
import qualified Control.Monad
x = flip Control.Monad.forM
-- no hint
-- Sho…
Needs generics.
type Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
type Either a b = Left a | Right b
type Tree a = Node a | (Tree a, Tree a)
Bonus: monads
interface Monad a {
func Bind(Monad …
quetz updated
7 years ago
Idris has two syntaxes we don't, idiom brackets and `!`-notation. It might seem that they overlap with each other and `do` notation too much, but actually I think they are very good in catering to nee…
ZipList is Bind, in which join is just diagonal. It's also Monad and…
``` haskell
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.DeriveTH
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck …
First and foremost, thanks for creating this project! I'm trying to find ways of making Scala easier for beginners to grasp and this definitely looks promising :)
**Version**: 0.0.13
### Expecte…
# 모나드와 함수형 아키텍처 3장. 모나드 - Burt.K
We’ll want to respond to errors, eg. see [Connection.hs](https://github.com/Jugendhackt/haskell-ricochet/blob/master/src/Network/Ricochet/Connection.hs).
func =
[ abc x y
| _
What do we really want `Monad` for that we can't do with `ArrowChoice`?