I am using this plugin to compile `.proto` files to generate python files but I don't know what is the correct way to generate python files inside the .jar package using the pom.xml.
Looks …
I'm following the "helloworld" tutorial and I'm at the point of running the below command:
protoc -I=. helloworld.proto \
--js_out=import_style=commonjs:. \
Currently to use a compiler plugin, it seems like you have to create a shell
script wrapping protoc call with additional command line options, call it
protoc and set the path in Compiler Locatio…
Currently to use a compiler plugin, it seems like you have to create a shell
script wrapping protoc call with additional command line options, call it
protoc and set the path in Compiler Locatio…
Currently to use a compiler plugin, it seems like you have to create a shell
script wrapping protoc call with additional command line options, call it
protoc and set the path in Compiler Locatio…
I am using: https://github.com/hatf0/grpc-d-compiler
protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-d=../grpc-d-compiler/protoc-gen-grpc-d helloworld.proto --d_opt=message-as-struct --d_out=./source
When I'm doing `protoc-gen-X --help` I would expect to have a little section about how I can configure buf to use this plugin, what are the different options available that I can pass in my `buf.gen.y…
Hello, I have an android project I'm trying to migrate. I updated the version of protobuf-gradle-plugin from 0.8.19 to 0.9.0 and now nothing is being generated by the plugin. I've tried several things…
Currently to use a compiler plugin, it seems like you have to create a shell
script wrapping protoc call with additional command line options, call it
protoc and set the path in Compiler Locatio…
Currently to use a compiler plugin, it seems like you have to create a shell
script wrapping protoc call with additional command line options, call it
protoc and set the path in Compiler Locatio…