In standard Qi, flows are functions, and their semantics are function invocation. We've often talked about alternative semantics for flows. Let's look at a few especially interesting ideas, in connect…
I am using Win10 on a Ryzen 2400G with internal graphics on a single 4:3 CRT monitor (at 1280*1024@72Hz) and corded Xbox 360 gamepad. I did a quite detailed analysis of Sega Driving Simulator. This is…
I'd like to render math entries statically during the build process, such that reading an article with math equations doesn't depend on the user enabling Javascript and MathJax (or KaTeX).
KaTeX al…
When doing inference on my Tesla P4 GPU, the inference time is ~5.3s.
Here is the python source that I'm using to do the inference:
import os
import sys
import random
import math
## Background
This is the best place I could think of to post this sort of thing.
I was speaking with @axelson about this project on Elixir Slack today and we both agreed this project seems to be …
Hi Andrej,
I started a CL RPC library for neovim quite some time ago but then didn't find any more time for it; it's nice to see that you're working on that front!
Do you have any plans to (re)imple…
According to [these conventions](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Key-Binding-Conventions.html), `` through `` are reserved for users. `racket-mode` and `racket-hash-mode` see…
### Did you read the documentation and check existing issues?
- [X] I have read all the [`:help neominimap`](https://github.com/Isrothy/neominimap.nvim/blob/main/doc/neominimap.nvim.txt) documentat…
## memo
実は React はツリー構造の Virtual DOM(仮想 DOM) を構築して差分検知をするライブラリです。
WEB+DB PRESS Vol.106 (Amazon) の「仮想DOM革命 ReactでGUI設計が変わる!
My Emacs setup is available [here](https://github.com/raxod502/radian), including my [`init.el`](https://github.com/raxod502/radian/blob/master/init.el). Startup takes just over one second for me, but…