Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Regarding vertex colors, I believe there is a wrong or missing color conversion somewhere in the export process.
See image comparison of fbx and glb from babylonjs exporter.
![vertex colorspace …
Looking at the legend, it currently looks like all clustered points on the map are `Bestreden`:
I suggest the following styles:
## Cluster
- [x] `background-color: rgba(var(--bs-dark-rgb)…