**slurm-llnl-slurmdbd** booting order is wrong or simply is not started. As a suggestion maybe a playbook can contain a simple test if the configure SLURM cluster can submit and executed jobs via `sru…
Ansible playbooks all fail with CentOS nodes (at least when trying to build a SLURM cluster) because the `requiretty` setting in sudo isn't disabled.
I am coming across a problem while following the steps of bcbio_vm.py AWS setup. I have set my AIM key and secret key.
Thanks in advance,
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-59-88 ~]$ bcbio_v…
My first run with SLURM failed. For this run, I am using the NFS mounted home to directory to share files. The Lustre filesystem hasn't been installed.
ubuntu@frontend001:~$ bcbio_vm.py…
In src/slurmdbd/proc_req.c at roughly line 1252:
``` C
if (get_jobs_msg->gid >=0) {
char *temp = xstrdup_printf("%u", get_jobs_msg->gid);
job_cond.groupid_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_cha…