After the screen is connected to the web service, Edit Profile button also should be functional:
Meeting date is filled as 1 day before the actual date.
User: amy@winehouse.com
Pass: amy123
Group: Amsterdam Lovers
Meeting: Amsterdam Free Walking Tour
When Tags field is filled in New Group screen, recommended tags are listed from DBPedia but it is not visible in the screen.
User: amy@winehouse.com
Pass: amy123
When I try to select a recommended tag in New Group screen, application stops.
User: amy@winehouse.com
Pass: amy123
Group: Amsterdam Lovers
Back end and front end should be integrated and any resulting buxfixing should be done.
Mainly Barış, Mehmet, Sinan and Recep are responsible.
Logout button is missing in the design.
Note functions should be completed based on RSD, DSD and mockups.
This issue is cooperated by Sinan and Recep.
(Closed related issue: https://github.com/swe574-2015fall-group2/core_repo/issues/184 )
Edit profile button is missing in the My Profile page.
This issue is created for milestone tracking, see the original issue below:
This issue is created for milestone tracking, see the original issue below: