1. Grant camera access for app
2. Disable camera access
3. Open view using a navigation link that contains the `CodeScannerView` which shows an alert using a state boolean if there is not camera acc…
This isn't an issue just a request. Is it possible to recreate the AppKit demo in SwiftUI? I've been unsuccessful in my attempts, not sure if this is possible yet? Adding more SwiftUI examples would b…
## Background
With SwiftUI being the way forward for iOS dev, I would have hoped GoogleSignIn had better support for SwiftUI.
Unfortunatley there isn't any SwiftUI-focused documentation, and th…
Thanks for your great framework!
The only thing is, me (and many other I assume), we are not a StoryBoard & UIKit user and have (very) limited knowledge about them, personally I cannot read t…
Really exciting that we're able to use Wave in SwiftUI. Couple of questions:
- Should animators be held via `@State` to avoid instantiating new instances each time views are rendered?
### Describe the bug
Regarding using `Amplify.Auth` in SwiftUI with Swift 5.10, there will be warnings over all the place because some of the Auth's classes, protocols, etc. are not actor'ized.
## References
- https://twitter.com/tobi462/status/1512382251929337857
- https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/Effective-SwiftUI
- https://zenn.dev/tobi462/scraps/905f2e6ac9b895
uhooi updated
2 years ago
# SwiftUI で Gesture キャンセルを検出する
SwiftUI の Gesture は protocol であり、準拠しているものを自分がよく使うもので挙げてみると DragGesture LongPressGesture TapGesture 等がある (他の Gesture については公式ドキュメント12を参照)。 これらの Gesture
随着近年来有关 SwiftUI 的文章与书籍越来越多,开发者应该都已经清楚地掌握了 —— “视图是状态的函数” 这一 SwiftUI 的基本概念。每个视图都有与其对应的状态,当状态变化时,SwiftUI 都将重新计算与其对应视图的 bod…
The current implementation for iOS only works with UiKit for populating a paged list. However, many projects have switched entirely over to SwiftUI for their UI implementation.
It would be nice to …