I implemented this library and immediately noticed that there is no example or documentation on how to include routing-controller's `HttpError`s in the generated spec.
Is there a defined best-practic…
PEP-727 proposed a new `Doc` construct, but the PEP is unlikely to be accepted and will probably be withdrawn (https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-727-documentation-metadata-in-typing/32566/181).
If I define a passed in function using the Callable syntax, mypy complains if I then call a keyword argument on that function. This is makes writing things like decorators problematic
Sample code:
Thank you for this repo.
Discovered a bug when trying to add some documentation to route parameters.
In our use case we want to document an enumerated list of possible values for a url…
Consider the following two examples, I think they should be equivalent, since logically expansion of type aliases should happen _before_ any other steps. (At least this would be consistent and natural…
This is mostly a meta issue, I've noticed that when upgrading the stubs for version 2.1.0 the deprecated methods/overloads have been immediately removed.
We now have `typing_extensions.deprecated`,…
BPO | [33077](https://bugs.python.org/issue33077)
--- | :---
Nosy | @gvanrossum, @rhettinger, @ericvsmith, @ilevkivskyi
Files | [python_test.py](https://bugs.python.org/file47487/python_test.py "Uploa…
from typing import Final
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
class Foo:
a: Final[int] = field(init=False) # no error
Foo().a # runtime error
### Initial Checks
- [X] I have searched GitHub for a duplicate issue and I'm sure this is something new
- [X] I have searched Google & StackOverflow for a solution and couldn't find anything
- [X] I…
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## Config Migration Needed
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