Would like to Log in forum.joomla.org but password not recognised. Email as username is not accepted for reset of password and registering gives me that my e-mail address is already in use.
My e-m…
According to the documentation(http://api.zeromq.org/4-2:zmq-udp), UDP is supported with Dish/Radio pattern. However when my server tried to bind to a localhost UDP address I got:
File "/hom…
Glad to see a new framework based on Android Compose. I’d like to see an example of using it from
Java like they have on Android.
### Describe the bug
I have the following exception occurring when trying to show a modal with a custom header and footer hidden. See reproduction below.
Operational consequences: modal …
tvore updated
4 months ago
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Issue Description
Documentation Update
### Suggested Change
Documentation Update
### Rationale
work on environment with mpich as mpi implementation to help with some supercomputer mpi installation
### Is this a bug report?
### Have you read the [Installation Instructions](https://github.com/react-community/react-native-maps/blob/master/docs/installation.md)?
### Environment
Author Name: **Neil Voss** (@vosslab)
Original Redmine Issue: 2016, https://emg.nysbc.org/redmine/issues/2016
Original Date: 2012-08-23
Original Assignee: Neil Voss
From Scott:
### Brief description of your issue
Just stop functioning normally and I didn't change any setting. The log is here, it's trying to get from D drive that I don't even have. I don't understand what …
### 在您提交此问题之前,您是否检查了以下内容?
- [X] 这真的是个问题吗?
- [X] 我已经在 Github Issues 中搜索过了,但没有找到类似的问题。
### 受影响的包和版本
### 复现链接
[项目甘特图 Pro.xlsx](https://github.com/dream-num/univer/files/15047097/Pro.xlsx…