Hi one question,
maybe somebody has a hint for me.
Demo z2ui5_cl_demo_app_123 as it is works fine. Map shows up.
I wnat to use this UI Element in an application and I have following effent.
I just noticed that the creation time and last modified is always +1 hour then the actual time. For example if I create a file at 9:30 AM the time in the file is 10:30 AM.
With the [ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP)](https://help.sap.com/viewer/923180ddb98240829d935862025004d6/Cloud/en-US/289477a81eec4d4e84c0302fb6835035.html) were the ABAP language enric…
Abap lint badge is inconsistent with the actual abap lint run
Goala updated
3 years ago
Hello @bsrdjan @SebastianWolf-SAP
Does this library support Outbound RFC communication which will receive incoming requests from ABAP side?
I have a requirement to support Outbound RFC communica…
(Original issue 1227 created by jorgt on 2016-04-07T09:46:57.271378+00:00)
Cataloguing some missing things in the ABAP lexer as I was writing an article on string expressions. //edit: I'll tr…
Currently, when I want to add local (on the filesystem) dependencies (libs) for the transpilation and lint I add something like
"global": {
"files": "/{src/abap…
when installing plugin into an eclipse 2022-09 an installation error shows up:
Error message:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software cur…
Collecting breaking changes for an eventual v2.0.0
1. Remove `new` and `open` methods from `zcl_logger` (replaced be `zcl_logger_factory`)
2. Remove aliases from `zcl_logger` (not necessary if you…
**Relevant sections of the style guide**
[Close Brackets at Line End](https://github.com/SAP/styleguides/blob/main/clean-abap/CleanABAP.md#close-brackets-at-line-end)
I would like…