Hi there.
I'm currently using epoxy a recyclerview that is hosting a set of views which I am creating directly via data binding.
recyclerNearbyList.withModels {
YsnowsMBP:MVVMLight-master xianguangjin$ python freeline.py -d
[DEBUG] [dispatcher] command line args: Namespace(all=False, clean=False, cleanBuild=False, debug=True, version=False, wait=False)
` TedRxImagePicker.with(requireContext())
.max(10, R.string.max_10_images)
crashes the app.
`dataBinding {
How about using a reactive list for populating the RecyclerViews and ViewPagers? Such as if you wanted to add or remove items from a list without redisplaying the entire list. Something like [this](ht…
override fun convert(holder: BaseDataBindingHolder, item: JsonBean.DataBean) {
holder.dataBinding?.data = item
override fun getDefItemCount(): Int {
return I…
Playing around with databinding in a side project made me think about this a bit more. Sorry for the wall of text :)
Databinding is a fairly complex topic especially on when you want to support field…
I'd like to suggest that the readme is expanded to list the benefits of using this library versus the features provided by the core databinding library. As it stands, the purpose of the library isn't …
## What kind of issue is this?
- [ ] This is a functional bug :
I tried to use databinding in app:slider_icon but it shows this message
> Cannot find a setter for that accepts parameter ty…
layout : ViewPage2 or RecyclerView bind a itemView witch is ConstraintLayout with a child , and this child set paddingStart or paddingEnd,
first: I set the ConstraintLayout‘visibility Gone